Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The First Noel

 A recent arrangement of one of my favorite Christmas hymns.  This is for oboe and piano.

   The First Noel by Kevin Stephenson

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lead, Kindly Light

 There are times in life when we are lost in the darkness, seeking for a way out.  Often we look above for divine guidance.  Other times we refuse any help, preferring to figure the way out on our own.  Hopefully we all can turn from our pride to humbly ask for help.  Such is the message of this hymn.  Amidst the encircling gloom, when the night is dark, when we're far from home the fervent plea comes, "lead thou me on!"

This arrangement is for trombone trio.

  Lead, Kindly Light Trio by Kevin Stephenson